
Authored Books

Student Leadership Competencies Resource Guide

The Student Leadership Competencies® Resource Guide provides a synopsis of each of the 60 Student Leadership Competencies, along with guiding questions, activities, resources, and tools. This succinct book even includes new resources such as the Student Leadership Competencies Taxonomy, 6 Domains of Learning and Development, the Youth Leadership Model, as well as information on the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory, Student Leadership Competencies 360 Evaluation, the iOS app, and the badging program.

Seemiller, C. (2020). Student leadership competencies resource guide.

The Student Leadership Competencies Guidebook

The Student Leadership Competencies® Guidebook is a comprehensive resource for designing intentional curriculum on leadership competency development using 60 leadership competencies derived from analyzing standards, models, and theories of leadership as well as the outcomes of all 522 accredited academic programs in higher education. 

Seemiller, C. (2013). The student leadership competencies guidebook. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Student Leadership Competencies® Implementation Handbook

This downloadable eBook includes “how to” overviews, resources, and tools including how to select competencies, marketing and branding strategies, designing competency-based curriculum, engaging in assessment, and recognizing achievements. This book is part of the Student Leadership Competencies Toolkit.

Seemiller, C. (2017). Student leadership competencies implementation handbook.

Discovering the Leader Within

Discovering the Leader Within blends my work with the Student Leadership Competencies and Generation Z into an interactive, self-reflective workbook for young people to develop self-leadership skills. Teens can complete the interactive exercises on their own, or instructors, facilitators, youth group leaders, and/or coaches can incorporate it into their programs, courses, trainings, and/or initiatives.

Judge, 32nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
Discovering the Leader Within Dr. Corey Seemiller Congratulations on writing and publishing your book! You have created a thorough resource to help the trickiest audience out there—teenagers—gain a greater understanding of who they are, what matters to them, and how they can continue to grow in positive directions. The book is well organized in its three sections, and your clear, down-to-earth instruction leads readers from one topic to the next. I appreciated that you included the section “Exploring My Identities”: in challenging times, you provide a place for reflection on identity and diversity in a thoughtful and non-combative manner. The middle section of the book, “Being Me,” is particularly helpful as it takes your readers into some of the most sensitive aspects of their lives, such as being vulnerable and being authentic.

Seemiller, C. (2023). Discovering the leader within.

Edited Publications

A Competency-Based Approach for Student Leadership Development (Editor)

New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 156.

Although the use of competencies has a rich history in organizations, the use of leadership competencies with college students is only in its infancy. But, as funding becomes scarcer and students become more discretionary with their time, using a leadership competency approach can offer institutions quantifiable data to prove the value of leadership development to students, parents, employers, alumni, donors, and institutional administrators. And leadership competencies might just provide the roadmap we need to develop the ethical and competent leaders we need in our world today.

Ch. 1: This chapter provides an overview of leadership competencies including the history of emergence, contemporary uses, common frameworks, challenges, benefits, and future implications.

Ch. 3: This chapter describes how to use a leadership competency approach to help students develop their five signature themes from the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment into strengths.

Seemiller, C. (2017). New Directions in Student Leadership: No. 156. A competency-based approach for student leadership development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Watch the video promo here!

Articles and Chapters

Seemiller, C., & Rosch, D. M. (2023). A multi-disciplinary multi-degree study of workforce and leadership competencies within postsecondary accrediting organizations. Journal of Leadership Education, 22(1), 95-115.

Seemiller, C. (2021). Preparing leaders of tomorrow: An analysis of leadership competencies within accredited academic program learning outcomes. Journal of Leadership Studies, 15(1), 6-27.

Seemiller, C. & Whitney, R. (2020). Creating a taxonomy of leadership competency development. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(1), 119-131.

Seemiller, C. & Rosch, D. M. (2019). An integrative six-domain model of employee training and development. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 31(3), 25-46.

Rosch, D. M. & Seemiller, C. (2018). A psychometric analysis of the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory. Journal of Leadership Education, 17(4), 146-168.

Seemiller, C. (2018). A competency-based model for youth leadership development. Journal of Leadership Education, 17(1), 56-72.

Seemiller, C. (2018). Enhancing leadership competencies for career readiness. In K. K. Smith, G. S. Rooney, & G. Spencer (Eds.), New Directions for Student Leadership: No. 157. Leadership development for career readiness in university settings. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. (2017). Developing leadership competencies. In C. Seemiller (Ed.), New Directions in Student Leadership: No. 156. A competency-based approach for student leadership development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. (2017). Using leadership competencies to develop talents into strengths. In C. Seemiller (Ed.), New Directions in Student Leadership: No. 156. A competency-based approach for student leadership development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. (2016). Complementary learning objectives: The common competencies of leadership and service-learning. In W. Wagner and J. Pigza (Eds.), New Directions in Student Leadership: No. 150. Leadership development through service-learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. (2016). Evaluating student leadership competency development. In D. Roberts and K. Bailey (Eds.), New Directions in Student Leadership: No. 151. Assessing student leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. (2016). Leadership competency development: A higher education responsibility. In K. Guthrie and L. Osteen (Eds.), New Directions for Higher Education: No: 174. Reclaiming higher education’s purpose in leadership development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seemiller, C. & Murray, T. (2013). The common language of leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(1), 33-45.

Seemiller, C. (2013). A competency based approach to leadership development. Concepts & Connections, 20(1).

Seemiller, C. (2013). Becoming a competency-based organization. Best Practices & Research Edition, NASPA SLPKC, pp. 14-15.

Seemiller, C. & Murray, T. (2009). Leadership by design: Creating and measuring leadership competencies. Interchange, 37(2), pp. 5-8.


Seemiller, C. (2017). Student Leadership Competencies® implementation handbook.

Seemiller, C. (2015). Assessing student engagement. Dallas: OrgSync, Inc.

Resources and Tools

Seemiller, C. (2020). The Student Leadership Competencies Database.