The Student Leadership Competencies Inventory allows you to take short assessments to measure your proficiency levels in each of the 8 competency clusters. Complete one, complete a few, or complete them all!
Please read the Informed Consent as all data collected through any of the assessments associated with this inventory will be used to make improvements to the instrument. By completing any or all of the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory assessments, you are agreeing to the terms laid out in the Informed Consent.
After completing each assessment, a results page will populate.
*Note: Your results are not saved for later review. Make sure to print or copy your results.
Click below on a square to take that assessment.
Youth Version
For a shortened youth version that focuses on competencies specific to youth, click here.
Please note that the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory, including all measurements developed now or in the future, are copyrighted by LeadU, LLC. This instrument, nor any part of this instrument, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from Corey Seemiller.
Administering the Inventory
For information on how to use the Student Leadership Competencies as an advisor, program coordinator, or faculty member with students or participants, download the Best Practices for Utilizing the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory
Instrument Validation
For more information on the validation of this instrument, see A Psychometric Analysis of the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory published in the Journal of Leadership Education.