Informed Consent
The Student Leadership Competencies Inventory is in the validation stages and is free to use during this stage. Please note that by using any of the assessments associated with the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory that you are giving consent for your results and reported data to be used for research purposes for validation of the instrument and for better understanding leadership competencies.
This consent informs you what will happen during the study if you choose to take part. Your completion of the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory means that you consent to taking part in the study. This informed consent is not a contract. You are not giving up any legal rights by agreeing to this informed consent. Information from this informed consent can be found on this web page for your reference.
Investigators: Corey Seemiller, Wright State University and David Rosch, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Site(s) where study is to be conducted: Online
For questions, contact:
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory to ensure it measures what it is designed to measure.
Procedures: In this study, you will be asked to fill out demographic information in your profile and then complete the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory online. You do not need to share your results or take any further action.
Potential Risks: There are no foreseeable risks in participating in this study.
Benefits: The main benefit of this study is to help test the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory in terms of being a valid and reliable instrument that measures leadership competency levels. You will have access to the free online Student Leadership Competencies Inventory to complete as many times as you would like for your own self-assessment.
Compensation: You will not be compensated for the use of your results in this research study or for your time, inconvenience, or expenses while you are in this study.
Confidentiality: Total privacy cannot be guaranteed. Your privacy will be protected to the extent permitted by law. If the results from this study are published, your name will not be made public. Once your information leaves Wright State University, we cannot promise that others will keep it private. Your information may be shared with the Wright State IRB and Office of Research and Sponsored Program and the Office for Human Research Protections.
Security: All data collected are stored in a secure, password protected online server.
Voluntary Participation: Taking part in this study is voluntary. You may choose not to take part at all. If you decide to be in this study you may stop taking part at any time. If you decide not to be in this study or if you stop taking part at any time, you will not be able to take the Student Leadership Competencies Inventory or see results of previously taken Student Leadership Competencies Inventories.
Research Subject’s Rights, Questions, Concerns, and Complaints: Contact Corey Seemiller at or 937-775-3280. If you have questions about your rights as a study subject, questions, concerns, or complaints, you may call the Wright State IRB Office (937) 775-4462. You may discuss any questions about your rights as a subject with a member of the IRB or staff. The IRB is an independent committee composed of members of the University community, staff of the institution, as well as lay members of the community not connected with the institution. The IRB has reviewed this study. For a copy of the IRB approval letter, please contact Corey Seemiller at